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Whitehall of Deerfield - Healthcare Center

Top Ratings

“Best” Rankings

For 2022, Newsweek magazine has ranked Whitehall of Deerfield among the top five “best” rehabilitation and nursing centers in Illinois. What’s more, U.S. News & World Report has also continuously given Whitehall of Deerfield its “Best” and “Top Performing” rating, the highest ranking in their rating system of rehabilitation and nursing centers throughout the country.

Rated 5 Stars Out of 5

We’re also honored to receive Medicare’s five-star rating, the highest ranking in their quality rating system of nursing and rehabilitation centers.

All this is because Whitehall of Deerfield, the North Shore’s premier post-hospital rehabilitation center, delivers superior rehabilitation services and clinical care with outstanding outcomes that helps guests quickly and successfully get back to their active lives.

300 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 | 847.945.4600